Compare energy for businesses
Are you a business owner looking for an affordable energy supplier to provide your company with energy? offers interesting deals for small, medium and large businesses from various energy suppliers. Compare energy for your business!
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Manually enter your consumption or let us make an estimation based on your energy bill.
Find the best energy suppliers and pick the most cost-effective contract tailored for you.
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Large businesses (+ 100.000 kWh)
Compare energy suppliers for businesses with a consumption of more than 100,000 kWh.
Large consumers of electricity and gas, such as large companies, need to be extra alert to price fluctuations. By using our price simulator, you will find the best deals for businesses consuming more than 100,000 kWh per year. Moreover, we help you with your administration.
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Self-employed, SMEs and freelancers
Compare energy suppliers for self-employed professionals, SMEs, freelancers and syndics with a consumption of less than 100,000 kWh.
Energy prices for the consumption of electricity and natural gas can quickly increase. Not only individual entrepreneurs, but also small and medium-sized businesses can easily reduce their energy bills by comparing different energy suppliers.
Use our price simulator to compare energy solutions for businesses with a consumption of less than 100,000 kWh/year.