Compare energy suppliers
Compare electricity and gas prices & switch energy supplier for free
3 reasons to use our comparison tool
- Free and without obligation: our tool is available at no cost. Furthermore, you have 14 days to withdraw in case you decide not to change energy provider.
- Independent: our online comparator is 100% independent and aims to properly inform you.
- Current promotions and discounts included: unlike other comparator websites, incorporates current promotional offers and discounts into its online comparison tool.

Based on the data you enter, we select the best energy contracts. Will you choose green electricity or a local provider?
Choose the energy contract that offers the best value for your money. This way, you will definitely save on your future energy bill.
Did you find an energy contract through We will assist you with the administrative procedures and answer all your questions.
How our comparison tool works
Thanks to the comparison tool of you get an accurate estimation of electricity and gas tariffs. To determine the energy offer best suited to your needs, we need the following information:
What makes our energy comparison tool unique? is an independent price comparison tool. This means we provide you with unbiased information about the best energy tariffs on the market. Moreover, takes current promotions and discounts into account, which is different from other energy comparison tools. Additionally, offers various comparison methods. You can manually enter your energy consumption, have it estimated based on your type of residence or connect your digital meter to share your real-time consumption data with us.
Compare energy suppliersFrequently asked questions about energy
What is is a team of energy experts who assist the consumer. As we are independent, we can offer a free, personalised, no-obligation service. is also an online platform certified by the CREG (the Commission for the Regulation of Electricity and Gas). This lets consumers compare energy suppliers so that they can reduce their gas and electricity bills, cut down on their paperwork and choose 100% green energy.
How does work ?
Each month, the prices and promotions of all the suppliers in Belgium are updated on the website. An initial update is done on the first working day of every month based on the pricing options that are publicly available on that date. Prices are then added as the suppliers publish them. compares the products of all the suppliers operating in the electricity and gas market in Belgium, taking account of the information provided by the user in the comparison form. The potential savings for the following year are then calculated.
How can I change supplier easily ?
Contrary to what many people think, changing your gas and electricity supplier is very quick and easy! It will only take 5 minutes. If you have any concerns, is there to help you before, during and after you take out your contract with a new supplier. The main steps are as follows :
- Enter your consumption data: to run a simulation, simply enter your post code, your electricity and/or gas consumption and the number of people in your household. If you know your current supplier and the type of contract you have with that supplier, please specify those details. will then be able to give you a potential estimate of your future savings (visit the comparison site).
- Compare and select: using your consumption data, will first present you the five most competitive pricing options based on your profile. You can also see details of all the pricing options available on the Belgian market. If you wish, you can also make selections based on how green the electricity is (100% green or not), the type of contract (fixed or variable) and the duration of the contract (12 months or more). Next, simply click on the button to register.
- Fill in the supplier’s registration form: to complete your registration, you need your most recent partial bill or annual breakdown (adjustment). On this document, you will find two pieces of information that you will need to enter: your EAN code and the end date of your current contract.
- Once this form has been duly completed and validated (less than five minutes), the supplier will send you an email or letter confirming that your contract has been set up.
- Finalising the change of supplier: two weeks before the planned start date of your new contract, you will receive a meter reading request from your distribution system operator. You can provide your current meter readings online, by email, telephone or return post. Using this information, your previous supplier will then produce his final closing bill. Your new supplier will use these readings as the opening readings for his future billing.
Where can I find my EAN code ?
You can usually find it on your energy bill. If you can’t find it on your bill, you can also contact your distribution system operator (DSO).
When is the best time to change energy supplier when you have solar panels ?
If you have solar panels, we recommend that you wait until your annual meter reading to change supplier. If the date you change supplier is the same as your meter reading date, you won’t risk “losing” your energy production.
Am I bound to when I sign a contract with a supplier recommended by ?
No, you do not sign any contract with You are contractually and solely bound to the supplier with whom you have signed a contract.